This guest was spotted looking simple yet sophisticated at Indian photographer and photojournalist Raghu Rai’s art exhibition in Mumbai this week. Carrying off this red and white jumpsuit with the perfect accessories, this lady’s got everything working for her.
This guest looks smouldering hot with her dark eye shadow, pink blush and nude pink lips. You could achieve a similar look by blending Mac’s carbon black eye shadow (Rs1,000) with any grey eye shadow, Maybelline mascara Colossal (Rs1,000) Rimmel blush in Santa Rosa (Rs800) and Color Studio’s Runway (Rs550) with any clear gloss on top.
While we absolutely love the belt and chunky bangles, we wish she had dressed up the jumpsuit with simple earrings or a statement necklace. The bangles just do not do enough justice to her look. The grey envelope clutch keeps the look casual. For a similar one, check out Fashion ComPassion at The House of Ensemble or Debenhams (Rs4,000).
She tied her brown hair up in a high pony tail, which looks easy enough. However, she could have aimed at making it a little tidier; uneven crowns in a pony tail just take away the fun! Get it right and it’s the perfect solution for a bad hair day.